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Hail and Welcome

It is December in the year of covid. The weather, finally, turns colder. The chill has been an unpleasant surprise to my bones, albeit an expected delight to my mind; an opportunity to test and deepen my relationship to the cold. Perhaps I'll even enjoy a polar bear bath or two after a snowfall, inspired by Wim Hof and his widely-followed cold therapy method. It also presents the opportunity to test and deepen the relationship with myself, my spirituality, and being, with the many hours to be spent at home during the upcoming winter season setting an ideal stage and fine platform from which to jump into the things I've often forgotten to make time for in the past. One way I plan to do this is by journal-keeping. Writing down thoughts, experiences, questions and maybe some theories or even answers to follow them. In days before I highly enjoyed this process being done by hand, and while I still do, I confess that these days my arthritic hands prefer to do this by typing over wr

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